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Terms and Conditions


  1. Introductory
    • In these Terms and Conditions the following expressions have the following respective meanings:

Account: a CSCS online account

Applicant:  the person making an Application for a CSCS card

Application:  an application for a Card

Awarding Organisation: an organisation that designs and delivers qualifications, certificates, diplomas and awards

Card: one of the CSCS cards specified in the Scheme Requirements

Card Holder:  the holder of a Card

Clause: a clause of the Terms and Conditions

Individual: as defined in Clause 3

CSCS, we, us and our: CSCS Cards Limited, a private company limited by guarantee that is incorporated in England under registration number 15353096, and the address of whose registered office is Floor 8,  71 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4AY, United Kingdom

Logo Policy: the CSCS Name, Logo and Image Use Policy located at as amended from time to time

Registration: the registration of an Account

Reseller: a training provider, agent or other third party making an Application on behalf of the Individual

Reseller Policy: the CSCS Reseller Policy located at as amended from time to time

Scheme: the Construction Skills Certification Scheme

Scheme Requirements: the document entitled CSCS Scheme Requirements ( as amended from time to time

Supplied Information: the information supplied or to be supplied by you to us in connection with and/or for the purposes of registering for an Account and/or making an Application

Terms and Conditions: the provisions of this document

UK: United Kingdom

you and your:  an Applicant or a Card Holder or the registrant of an Account or a third party acting on behalf of one or more of the foregoing, as the case may be.

  • We may amend the Terms and Conditions and any policy referred to in them from time to time as we see fit by posting an updated version at, so please ensure that you check By continuing to use our Card service after any change to the Terms and Conditions has been made, you irrevocably and unconditionally accept the change and will be bound by it.
  1. Applications and Registrations by you directly
    • By registering for an Account and/or making an Application:
      • you represent and warrant that all of the Supplied Information is true, correct and accurate in all respects;
      • you agree to comply with all applicable rules relating to Cards as laid out in the Scheme Requirements;
      • you understand that all or part of the Supplied Information will or may be used by us for the purposes of administering the Scheme, which may include copying it to CITB, employers, Awarding Organisations and/or Resellers, entering it onto a secure database accessible via a website and your personal data will be processed as set out in our privacy notice on our website (;
      • you understand and agree that we may validate the qualification elements of the Supplied Information with the relevant Awarding Organisation, verify the correctness of information provided by you, carry out investigations for the detection and prevention of crime and share information with relevant stakeholders including law enforcement and regulatory bodies, and, if at any time any of the Supplied Information fails to comply with Clause 1.1, we reserve the right to decline your Application or revoke your Card without refund;
      • you will notify our Contact Centre on 0344 994 4777 or via your Account of any material alteration to any of the Supplied Information (including but not limited to your name(s), email address, mobile telephone number or home address) as soon as it occurs, together with documentary evidence thereof where applicable (e.g. a marriage certificate or deed poll);
      • you confirm that you will pay the Card fee notified to you during the Application process. You acknowledge that all Card fees are non-refundable and non-transferable;
      • you confirm that you have a right to work in the UK.  If we have reason to believe otherwise we shall be entitled to cancel your Card, and if you wish to make a new Application you will need to have obtained the right to work in the UK. We reserve the right to request documentary proof of your right to work in the UK.
    • We acknowledge that, with your consent, your employer(s) may link your Card to its/their Account and manage your Card on your behalf.
    • The photograph taken of you at the CITB Health, safety and environment test centre will be used on your Card. A different photograph may only be used if the photograph from the CITB Health, safety and environment test centre is of poor quality.  If you have qualified for an exemption from the CITB Health, safety and environment test you will be required to provide a passport-style photograph meeting the CSCS photograph requirements which can be found at, as the same may be amended from time to time.
  1. Applications and Registrations with third party involvement
    • By registering for an Account and/or making an Application as an employer or Reseller on behalf of an individual (the “Individual“):
      • you confirm that the Individual has expressly consented in writing to you doing so on his/her behalf;
      • you represent and warrant that you have taken reasonable steps to verify the correctness of all Supplied Information and, to the best of your knowledge, the Supplied Information is true, correct and accurate in all respects;
      • you understand and agree, and you confirm that the Individual (having been informed by you in writing) understands and agrees, that we may validate the qualification elements of the Supplied Information with the relevant Awarding Organisation, verify the correctness of Supplied Information, carry out investigations for the detection and prevention of crime and share information with relevant stakeholders including law enforcement, and that if at any time any of the Supplied Information fails to comply with Clause 1.1 or Clause 3.1.2, we reserve the right to decline the Application or revoke the Card without refund;
      • you agree to comply (and to procure and ensure that the Individual complies) with all applicable rules relating to Cards as laid out in the Scheme Requirements;
      • you understand, and you confirm that the Individual (having been informed by you in writing) understands, that all or part of the Supplied Information will or may be used by us for the purposes of administering the Scheme, which may include providing it to CITB, employers, Awarding Organisations and/or training providers, entering it onto a secure database accessible via a website and your personal data will be processed as set out in our privacy notice on our website (;
      • either you or the Individual will notify our Contact Centre on 0344 994 4777 or via either your or the Individual’s Account of any material alteration to any of the Supplied Information (including but not limited to the Individual’s name(s), email address, mobile telephone number or home address) as soon as it occurs, together with documentary evidence thereof where applicable (e.g. a marriage certificate or deed poll);
      • you confirm that you will pay the Card fee notified to you during the Application process. You acknowledge that all Card fees are non-refundable and non-transferable;
      • you confirm that you have been provided with documentation (a copy of which you will provide to us on request) confirming that the Individual has the right to work in the UK. If we have reason to believe otherwise we shall be entitled to cancel the Card, and if you wish to make a new Application on behalf of the Individual s/he will need to have obtained the right to work in the UK;
      • if the Individual is employed by you, you may (for as long as you and s/he consent thereto) link his/her Card to your Account and manage it on his/her behalf;
      • if you are a Reseller you warrant, represent and undertake that you will adhere to our Reseller Policy and you acknowledge that any breach of the Reseller Policy may result in the immediate suspension or termination of your Account in accordance with Clause 6;
      • you warrant, represent and undertake that you will at all times comply with our Logo Policy and you acknowledge that any breach of the Name, Logo and Image Use Policy may result in the immediate suspension or termination of your Account in accordance with Clause 6.
    • The photograph taken of the Individual at the CITB Health, safety and environment test centre will be used on his/her   A different photograph may only be used if the photograph from the CITB Health, safety and environment test centre is of poor quality.  If the Individual has qualified for an exemption from the CITB Health, safety and environment test s/he will be required to provide a passport-style photograph meeting the CSCS photograph requirements which can be found at as the same may be amended from time to time.
    • You shall indemnify us against any loss, damage and claim suffered or incurred by us in connection with or arising from your breach of Clauses 1.2, 3.1.5, 3.1.10 or 3.1.11.
  2. General
    • Applications should be made using the CSCS online application procedure. However, where an Applicant is unable to use the said procedure or experiences technical issues, the Application may be made over the telephone, but must be made by the Applicant, a friend/family member, or his/her employer only. Resellers are not permitted to apply for a Card over the telephone. If we become aware of such practices then we may take steps to prevent/block such communications and refer them to the appropriate authorities for further action. An employer or friend/family member applying for a Card on behalf of an Individual must ensure that the Applicant is present when calling us so s/he can provide consent.  For the procedure applicable to Applications made on behalf of another see Clause 3.
    • Cards cost £36 each. Most Cards arrive at their requested destination within 10 working days after the date of the Application. If your Card has not been delivered to your requested destination within four weeks after the date of your Application, please contact us. After 90 days following the date of your Application it will be considered closed and a further payment of £36 will be required to process a replacement Card.  In the process of an Application a pre-authorisation payment of £36 will be reserved on your payment card, which will only be taken if the Application is successful.  For unsuccessful Applications the £36 will be returned to the payment card, usually within 10 working days, unless the Supplied Information contravenes Clauses 1.1, 3.1.1 and/or 3.1.2.
    • We require the applicants personal email address, mobile telephone number and home address for each Card Holders, any falsified information may result in the suspension or termination of your account. A Card Holder must notify our Contact Centre as soon as s/he changes his/her email address, mobile telephone number, home address and/or occupation. We will send a Card expiry notification to the Card Holder’s email address (or, if unavailable to us, to his/her last-known home address) by 6 months before the expiry date printed on his/her Card.
    • The Scheme applies only in the UK, and for this reason Cards can only be posted to UK addresses. Each Card remains at all times our exclusive property.  Cards are issued to the Card Holder only, and must be kept in his/her secure possession at all times.  We reserve the right unilaterally to withdraw a Card.
    • The Scheme’s application processing and contact centre are provided under contract by Teleperformance Limited and StableLogic Limited.
    • CSCS reserves the right to suspend or terminate your Account without notice for any failure by you to adhere to any of these Terms and Conditions and/or any policies referred to in these Terms and Conditions.
    • The Terms and Conditions are governed by English law. In the event of any dispute relating to them between you and us, both you and we irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.